Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this stunning pasture near the Smoky Hill River! This property is a hunter's paradise, featuring 6 acres +/- of timber, 22 acres +/- of tillable land and nearly 300 acres +/- of pasture. This tract has great access, with K-4 Highway along the south side of the property. Wells Fargo Road, being a gravel road, provides solid access year round on the north side of the pasture. Access to water isn't an issue when it comes to your cattle, as this pasture features four ponds along the south half. Whether you're looking for that perfect hunting property or wanting to add a unique pasture tract to your portfolio, call Derek Isaacson for all the details!
Derek Isaacson - Sales Agent
(785) 452-0566
Call Derek Isaacson for additional information!
(785) 452-0566
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